ecto Quick Start

This section is provided to explore the features of the main application window.

Initial Startup

When you first start ecto, a window displaying your registration options will appear. If you already have a registration number and would like to register the application, enter that information and click the 'Register' button. Click the 'Pay Online' button if you'd like to be taken to the page where you can order ecto online. Otherwise, click the 'Trial' button for a full-featured two-week trial of ecto.

If this is the first time you've started ecto, you'll be given a profile setup window so that you can enter your blogging service information. Enter a profile name and the username and password associated with your blogging service account and, if needed, edit the URL to your XML-RPC script. TypePad users can leave this field as it is. MovableType users should input the URL of their 'mt-xmlrpc.cgi' script which is often in the same folder as the 'mt.cgi' script. Compatibility with other blogging platforms, such WordPress and Drupal, is in development. If you connect to your blogging service through a proxy, enter the relevant information in the supplied fields. After you're done, hit the 'Apply' button and then the 'Save' button to exit the screen.

The main ecto window will show, listing your blogs on the left. Double click on a blog to list the last 10 posts (this number can be changed in the 'Settings' window). To create a new post, click on the new post icon in the menu bar or choose File->New Entry. To edit a post, double click on the post in the sidebar or right-click on the post in the sidebar and select 'Refresh Post.' From here, fill in the fields on the 'Basic,' 'Advanced' and 'Misc' tabs to your liking. A basic post contains an entry title, an entry body and some sort of category assignment (the checkboxes in the lower left of the ecto screen). After you've completed your post, click on the 'Post Entry' icon in the menu bar or choose 'File->Post Entry->As New' or 'As Edit.' You've completed the basic setup for ecto and posted your first post!

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